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How to Solve a COVID Crisis... Study. 


Are you concerned about where to study in the future? The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly changed much of the landscape as far as education goes. Worldwide in fact. But let's take a closer look.


There is one country where the COVID-19 pandemic has been kept in check. It is a country of sunshine, kangaroos and koalas. But more than that: did you know that there have been 11 Nobel Prize winners in Australia? It’s a fact.



The Best

When it comes to the crisis of choosing which overseas destination to study in these difficult times, Australia should be your first choice, and when it comes to health and safety, Australia is up there with the best.

You are curios about studying in Australia. You know it will be exciting and worthwhile. After all Australia it is the home of the kangaroo and the koala, the official language is English, and we have a love for all things foreign. 



Let's Heal

But how is the education system being effected by the COVID epidemic? What changes have been made? How can you best prepare for the resurgence in education in Australia? And what steps can you take to ensure a good start?


Compared to many places around the world, Australia is one of the safest countries there is when it comes to the COVID 19 pandemic, and we are pursuing state-of-the-art research into COVID vaccines. Australia is also one of the highest ranking countries for education in the world. Its research endeavours are second to none and its standards of education are some of the highest around. 



G'Day Mate

We all know that how important language is, especially English. So you will need to have that under your bet. If you are not sure of your level of English, then you should get tested and prepare. To prepare you could go online, there are many courses that will set you up to prepare for an English class should one be required in Australia once you enroll. 



Love Koalas?

If you are studying for a postgraduate course, a master’s degree, or a PhD, then you may have your English down, nevertheless it is always a good idea to keep your English level up to scratch with practice and these simple online tips.


  1. Find a good quality English language course online 

  2. Explore other options and see what’s out there

  3. Once you have found an online course that suits you, go ahead and make it a habit of visiting the course daily. Forming simple habits are always a good idea and can easily develop into something really worthwhile. 


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